greyloch: Quanta
greyloch: IMG_2278
greyloch: dark blue pansy
greyloch: Cherry blossom cluster
greyloch: sun-lit blossoms
greyloch: IMG_2352
greyloch: better shot of blossom trees
greyloch: Saucer Magnolia (or tulip tree)
greyloch: American Robin 1
greyloch: Pink Cherry Blossoms
greyloch: Back-lit monument (alt view)
greyloch: American Robin 2
greyloch: American Robin 3
greyloch: Cherry Blossoms along the Tidal Basin
greyloch: Cluster of Cherry Blossoms
greyloch: Blossoms on branch
greyloch: Daffodils & Tulips
greyloch: blue pansy
greyloch: cherry blossom pedestrians
greyloch: 2006 cherry blossoms 2
greyloch: 2006 cherry blossoms 1
greyloch: Jefferson Memorial
greyloch: Orange tulip
greyloch: back-lit Washington Monument
greyloch: U.S. Capitol Building
greyloch: closeup of cherry blossom petals
greyloch: grouping of cherry blossoms
greyloch: pink cherry blossom branch
greyloch: Tulip tree
greyloch: IMG_2339