greyhound rick: 0980ps Goose
greyhound rick: 1013ps Goose
greyhound rick: 1104ps Duck
greyhound rick: 1600ps Duck
greyhound rick: 0075 Duck at The Gilbert Riparian
greyhound rick: DSC_0439 Drawing the Line!
greyhound rick: DSC_0826 Blue Heron
greyhound rick: DSC_1032 Candle shot for Jewel
greyhound rick: DSC_4168 Having some fun!
greyhound rick: DSC_5078 Egret at The Gilbert Riparian
greyhound rick: DSC_4811-HDR-cactus sunset
greyhound rick: DSC_9734_Northern_Shoveler
greyhound rick: DSC_1300_Egret At The Riparian Preserve
greyhound rick: DSC_2024 Blue Heron
greyhound rick: DSC08391 Osprey
greyhound rick: DSC03151-Green Heron Gilbert, AZ
greyhound rick: DSC08946 Dove
greyhound rick: DSC09287-green_heron_
greyhound rick: 6I6A2357-- Egret Flying Into The Rainbow
greyhound rick: 6I6A6589- Hummingbird