greycella: Lunch in Hillcrest with Gav
greycella: Baby panda
greycella: Meerkats!
greycella: I came to the zoo for these guys
greycella: Elder statesman
greycella: Can you see the relation?
greycella: I want a pocket sized version
greycella: Insert lame knock*knock joke here.
greycella: Thanks for noticing me.
greycella: What're you looking at?
greycella: Well, hello there.
greycella: Our San Diego family is freakin' adorable, no?
greycella: Nerds at the zoo.
greycella: Coranado Beach
greycella: What vacation should be :D
greycella: Brothers Freeman & Thea
greycella: Oh man
greycella: Superbowl Sushi Spread
greycella: Jen's Sushi Dance
greycella: Pontificating.
greycella: Sand dollars.
greycella: Skates.
greycella: I'm like a little kid at aquariums.
greycella: Pier life at Monterey Aquarium.
greycella: monterey5
greycella: Nettles
greycella: Jellies
greycella: Crystal jellies
greycella: Nettles
greycella: Sea Nettles