greycella: Processional
greycella: This lady's hair is in my way!
greycella: Aww!
greycella: In a week this shot can be titled "Four Freemans"
greycella: Brent & Jen!
greycella: Look left.
greycella: Look right.
greycella: Diane & Brent
greycella: Lemme see.
greycella: Diane!
greycella: The Freeman Four.
greycella: Cameras, everywhere!
greycella: Gavin & Gavin co
greycella: Brotherly Love
greycella: Camera wars.
greycella: Dirty windshield
greycella: Don't drop the camera out of the window.
greycella: West River.
greycella: Betty Boop
greycella: It's a little early to be taking my picture, isn't it?
greycella: Dancing in the diner.
greycella: You look much too perky for six in the morning.
greycella: Sleepy face.