greve gabi 4000: 01 material
greve gabi 4000: 02 raw structure
greve gabi 4000: 03 beams
greve gabi 4000: 04 time for lunch
greve gabi 4000: 05 speach by Mondo
greve gabi 4000: 06 the carpenters
greve gabi 4000: 07 the carpenters
greve gabi 4000: 08 Gabi, guests of honor
greve gabi 4000: 09 guests of honor
greve gabi 4000: 10 official ceremony
greve gabi 4000: 11 Tomita san
greve gabi 4000: 12 ceremony
greve gabi 4000: 01 walking up toward the new home
greve gabi 4000: 02 the structure
greve gabi 4000: 03 with plum blossoms
greve gabi 4000: 04 structure closer up
greve gabi 4000: 05 view from the forest
greve gabi 4000: 06 in the forest
greve gabi 4000: 07 entering the home
greve gabi 4000: 08 almost done
greve gabi 4000: 09 structures
greve gabi 4000: 10 from right below
greve gabi 4000: 11 ready for the ceremony
greve gabi 4000: 12 the highest point
greve gabi 4000: 13 muneage
greve gabi 4000: 14 going up for the ceremony
greve gabi 4000: 15 waiting for the final hammer
greve gabi 4000: 16 the final hammer
greve gabi 4000: 17 the guests of honor
greve gabi 4000: 18 mochinage at the four corners