GretchenMary: clouds and corn
GretchenMary: Looking up
GretchenMary: Through the window...
GretchenMary: Amy and Nick and their triplet girls ormament from Grandma
GretchenMary: Beholding a very special gift
GretchenMary: Grandma and her new pup, Molly
GretchenMary: Soon to be unhooked, wrapped up, and put in a box until next year
GretchenMary: My first Alioli!
GretchenMary: Thanks, Julia!
GretchenMary: Chris, as a new 31, curls up like a cat in a sunny spot.
GretchenMary: Ed and Chris talk about life goals
GretchenMary: Lake Michigan sunrise Monday morning.
GretchenMary: #ds50 The frame of a photograph is rectilinear. Fill that frame with a circular subject today and make a photograph.
GretchenMary: One of my favorite places....
GretchenMary: Heavy skies
GretchenMary: I couldn't resist
GretchenMary: The Lake was full of activity today.
GretchenMary: Hardy boys at play...
GretchenMary: Even the frozen channel still had activity tonight when I took my walk.
GretchenMary: #ds60 Play with contrasting scale today: juxtapose something small with something big. (from The Daily Shoot)
GretchenMary: Pretty
GretchenMary: Do these scream "cheery" or what?
GretchenMary: My Mom's indoor garden brings enjoyment on a cold winter day.
GretchenMary: Lots of ice fishermen out on the lake today.
GretchenMary: Waiting for the tip-up to tip up.
GretchenMary: The tip-up tips up!
GretchenMary: My first attempt at Julia Child's Chicken Friccassee
GretchenMary: Spotted these two on my drive to work today. :)
GretchenMary: the nudge
GretchenMary: I wonder what horses thoughts are like....