Gretchen Burkhart: Self-Portrait
Gretchen Burkhart: Part of my photoshoot with josie!
Gretchen Burkhart: Old picture :)
Gretchen Burkhart: this is me!! carly took this one (the model from the pictures lower)
Gretchen Burkhart: Playing around with my lighting!! its not in super focus but i like it!
Gretchen Burkhart: looking back on the past
Gretchen Burkhart: self-portrait
Gretchen Burkhart: one of my senior pictures!
Gretchen Burkhart: Yet i am always with you; you hold me by your right hand. Psalm 73:23
Gretchen Burkhart: me and my cameradora! :)
Gretchen Burkhart: getting the idea to do this for my self portrait! :D
Gretchen Burkhart: this is what happeneds when creativity and mind combine...
Gretchen Burkhart: this is what i see...
Gretchen Burkhart: Hear my prayer, o, god; listen to the words of my mouth. Psalms 54:2
Gretchen Burkhart: My eye(you kinda can tell that im tired!) explore!
Gretchen Burkhart: me and the new camera!
Gretchen Burkhart: i'm finally graduated!!!! :D