grenade: morning of the big day
grenade: fancy new loafers
grenade: the ladies await their transport
grenade: groomsmen endure photography
grenade: the groom and best man
grenade: bow tie test #1
grenade: bow tie test #2
grenade: aaron perserveres
grenade: i pause for an artsy shot
grenade: activity starts to pick up
grenade: groom and father of the bride
grenade: photos
grenade: the boutonnière
grenade: holmes family
grenade: awww siblings!
grenade: a pretty girl i saw at the wedding
grenade: male escorts
grenade: string trio
grenade: the seats start to fill up
grenade: mrs holmes
grenade: so, the last 40 people are where?
grenade: everyone acts calm
grenade: it's on!
grenade: and... it's over!
grenade: lauren and her mom
grenade: off to the reception!
grenade: *raises fists in air, jogs in place*
grenade: bride and groom arrive at the reception
grenade: that's it!