GreigStott: City Square, Dundee, Scotland - Christmas Time
GreigStott: Tim Hortons - always fresh
GreigStott: Perth County Courthouse and Huron Street Bridge, Stratford
GreigStott: Winter Wonderland
GreigStott: Crystal like snow
GreigStott: City Square, Dundee, Scotland
GreigStott: Shakespearean Gardens - as seen from Huron Street Bridge
GreigStott: Niagara Falls in the heart of Winter
GreigStott: Stratford Winterfest
GreigStott: Winter White
GreigStott: Stones and Rocks laying on the frozen surface of the river
GreigStott: Peeking through the crystal-like snow
GreigStott: Winter White
GreigStott: Frozen Avon River
GreigStott: Horseshoe Falls, Niagara. Ontario, Canada - Winter
GreigStott: Seeing the light
GreigStott: Loving the snow
GreigStott: Snow and nice sky
GreigStott: Lonesome Bench in Winter
GreigStott: Ice Droplets
GreigStott: Kids in Winter Wonderland
GreigStott: First sighting of frost - Winter is fast approaching
GreigStott: The Festival Theatre in splendid Winter White - 19th January 2012
GreigStott: FIRST SNOW
GreigStott: Edinburgh, Scotland - New Town
GreigStott: Niagara Falls - winter