Greg Raven:
Headland Cove, west from the Information Station
Greg Raven:
Headland Cove, west from the Information Station
Greg Raven:
Trees on the hill WNW of the Information Station by Headland Cove
Greg Raven:
Headland Cove SW of the Cypress Grove Trail
Greg Raven:
Headland Cove SW of the Cypress Grove Trail
Greg Raven:
Headland Cove South of the Cypress Grove Trail
Greg Raven:
Headland Cove South of the Cypress Grove Trail
Greg Raven:
Headland Cove SSW of the Cypress Grove Trail
Greg Raven:
South Point, from Cypress Grove Trail
Greg Raven:
"Sea lion island" at the mouth of Headland Cove
Greg Raven:
Fallen tree in the Allan Memorial Grove
Greg Raven:
South Point
Greg Raven:
The view South along the coast from South Point
Greg Raven:
The Pinnacle
Greg Raven:
Water off South Point
Greg Raven:
Water off South Point
Greg Raven:
Water off South Point
Greg Raven:
North Point
Greg Raven:
Carmel Bay as seen from North Point
Greg Raven:
Cypress Grove Trail facing East near North Point
Greg Raven:
North Point
Greg Raven:
Facing East toward Cypress Cove
Greg Raven:
Facing East toward Cypress Cove
Greg Raven:
Facing East toward Cypress Cove
Greg Raven:
Cypress stand on the east loop of the Allan Memorial Grove
Greg Raven:
Poison oak
Greg Raven:
Poison oak
Greg Raven:
Punta de los Lobos Marinos
Greg Raven:
Rock formation at Punto de los Lobos Marinos
Greg Raven:
View South along the coast