gregp25: Snowy Egret
gregp25: Osprey Lunch Time
gregp25: Common Yellow Throat
gregp25: 2466-palms forest-1
gregp25: _MG_2461-fronds & leaf-1
gregp25: Old Blue Eyes
gregp25: Snowy Egret Reflection
gregp25: Burrowing Owl
gregp25: Pelican Pair
gregp25: Worm and-Black Bellied Plover
gregp25: Pelican
gregp25: Ruddy Turnstone Melee
gregp25: Royal Tern Squawking
gregp25: _MG_3666-yellow-crowned-1 copy
gregp25: _MG_3654-sandpipers-4 copy
gregp25: Sanderling Shuffle
gregp25: _MG_3628 snowy egret
gregp25: _MG_3626-snowy egret-7
gregp25: GBH with Lunch and Injury
gregp25: Ruddy Turnstone Melee 2
gregp25: Black-Bellied Plover with Breakfast
gregp25: White Ibis
gregp25: Flock o Birds
gregp25: _MG_1514-spoonbill copy
gregp25: Black Skimmers in the Air
gregp25: Bunche Beach Sunrise
gregp25: Bunche Beach Sunrise
gregp25: _MG_3940 star SOOC
gregp25: Seed head - Crowfoot Grass
gregp25: Bladderwort