Gregory Wu: err...
Gregory Wu: what a mouth...
Gregory Wu: donkey?
Gregory Wu: straw
Gregory Wu: OK you the best
Gregory Wu: what a face...
Gregory Wu: mice-girl
Gregory Wu: nice ear-ring
Gregory Wu: what the...
Gregory Wu: what the...
Gregory Wu: the brows
Gregory Wu: 嘟嘴
Gregory Wu: the thief
Gregory Wu: brunch-2
Gregory Wu: brunch-1
Gregory Wu: bambi & dumbo
Gregory Wu: 又嘟嘴
Gregory Wu: in the kitchen
Gregory Wu: 圍巾是重點
Gregory Wu: follow the sight
Gregory Wu: we love gingerale
Gregory Wu: 還沒上菜
Gregory Wu: 聽說重點在那朵花
Gregory Wu: olivia the tako (octopus)
Gregory Wu: worry about
Gregory Wu: Gunpla Expo TPE 2010
Gregory Wu: another kind of animal
Gregory Wu: the kind of animal
Gregory Wu: some kind of animal
Gregory Wu: 想當新人類