SK53 OSM: OSM postcode completion Birmingham : postcodes by postal sector percentage mapped.
SK53 OSM: OSM Postboxes by postal district
Pgd: London elevation and waterways, including "lost" rivers
macrofight: Cycle path comparison
martin alberts Pictures of Amsterdam: Oh my Gosh, where is my bike ? Cycle Shed Amsterdam Central Station.
_Alicia: Bicycle roundabout
KatsDekker: Modal shift
SK53 OSM: Turn Restrictions 2
mkandlez: Matter Of Proportion
stevefaeembra: Scotland, Openstreetmap density plot
Jim_Higham: Canterbury Cathedral from University of Kent
gravitystorm: Bicycle Parking Capacity
Jim_Higham: Afterglow, Eliot College, University of Kent
Felix van de Gein: Galloway Forest Park
Pete Reed: Innocent Railway
Pete Reed: Wooden cyclists
Pete Reed: Holy Island Causeway
Pete Reed: Approaching Innerleithen
CyclingAge: A clear path
Rosie_Thorn: Kirklees Trail and Peel Tower
Neil T: Milepost (1)
Dale Reynolds: National cycle network 51, Cambridge
Peter Ito: United Kingdom - Major Contributors
Rosie_Thorn: Keswick Railway Path - bridge over the River Greta
Futurilla: Canal at Cliffe Vale, October 08
Chris_Malcolm: Sign of the Times
Bud75: World's Oldest Railway Bridge
cycle.nut66: Signpost
bike2chemnitz: Staple Hill tunnel