GregoryH: Before and after. Concrete pour is complete. We have a patio! Still some finish work to do.
GregoryH: Pretty much done! #remodel just in time for the nice weather!
GregoryH: So close! #remodel just a few odds and ends left.
GregoryH: Progress. #remodel #concrete
GregoryH: 1st Concrete pour done. Forming boards coming off today. #remodel
GregoryH: #remodel #detail
GregoryH: Anyone want 120sqr ft of bricks? Patio is gone! #remodel continues!
GregoryH: #remodel
GregoryH: #remodel and the holes are closed up!
GregoryH: Wallpaper uncovered. #remodel
GregoryH: 3 days of excavating later...
GregoryH: There's a bobcat in my back yard!
GregoryH: Excavation continues. That's about 4 feet down for the wall footing.