gregoryarens: visual treat
gregoryarens: tis the season
gregoryarens: happy holidays
gregoryarens: he's too sexy for his shirt
gregoryarens: sherryl stunn-urmenata.
gregoryarens: yeah it is a little chilly in this shirt
gregoryarens: and good will towards men
gregoryarens: is beer considered a white beverage?
gregoryarens: high school reunion
gregoryarens: doing the jason lean
gregoryarens: chef kari scores again
gregoryarens: dropping science
gregoryarens: what'll you have?
gregoryarens: a white russian of course
gregoryarens: celebrating a pretty good year
gregoryarens: best buds
gregoryarens: better bud?
gregoryarens: and yes... beer is a white beverage.
gregoryarens: smiles
gregoryarens: stage left?
gregoryarens: enter kari stage right
gregoryarens: giggles