gregmote: 936 Mason
gregmote: Small scale surround video
gregmote: Baris just can't hold still
gregmote: Mini Remote
gregmote: Thomas Measures His Skull
gregmote: Hugh Measures Up
gregmote: No flash
gregmote: Smokin'
gregmote: Mini Cluster
gregmote: More!
gregmote: Over my head
gregmote: Surrounded by video
gregmote: Three screen first test
gregmote: Three screen working
gregmote: The last Mentos
gregmote: The Quintessential Hugh and Baris
gregmote: Mount Workmore
gregmote: Lakota's big nose
gregmote: With my feet up
gregmote: My, what big eyes you have
gregmote: I have an idea!
gregmote: Illumiated Headgear
gregmote: View from 104 Montgomery
gregmote: Working at Leonard's
gregmote: The Workforce
gregmote: Lakota waits