gregmeyer: One Chief of Peep Who Says "Cheep"
gregmeyer: The 6 Chiefs of Peep Who Say "Cheep"
gregmeyer: random child toys
gregmeyer: still life (stretched)
gregmeyer: Glass mostly full
gregmeyer: simple orange and apple
gregmeyer: El Gallito
gregmeyer: The Adventures of Jokeman and kNock-kNock Girl
gregmeyer: Episode #1, Jokeman and kNock-kNock Girl: "Secret Origin"
gregmeyer: It's kNock-kNock Girl!
gregmeyer: sketch: pirate cat and philly dog
gregmeyer: Episode #2, Jokeman and kNock-kNock Girl: "Who's There?"
gregmeyer: Illustration of Otis Cafe, Otis, OR
gregmeyer: Illustration of Mo's Annex, Newport, OR
gregmeyer: Iguanadon.
gregmeyer: salt and pepper shakers
gregmeyer: Awesome kid crab drawing
gregmeyer: Watercolor of iPhone on tablecloth
gregmeyer: Webkinz #Watercolor Portrait
gregmeyer: Sheriff Pickle, Reporting for Duty
gregmeyer: Eye Can Eggs Plane.
gregmeyer: "Crab Catching" - a silly #sketch / part of an ongoing imaginary story where crabs are persecuted by a technologically superior civilization which dreams up Seuss-like contraptions to capture them.