Mondomac: Magic sea
Mondomac: Old Hollywood Glamour
Mondomac: Beauty
Mondomac: A January day
Mondomac: Smoky Eyes B&W
Mondomac: Smokey Eyes
Mondomac: The Makeup Artist
Mondomac: Self portrait
Mondomac: The Thinker Side-by-Side 1987-2023
Mondomac: Roy's Motel & Cafe
Mondomac: Don't do this while driving.
Mondomac: Waiting at the crosswalk
Mondomac: Satisfied with oneself meets disapproval
Mondomac: Tongue out cheek
Mondomac: The tables are turned: tourists in the spotlight
Mondomac: Innocence of youth
Mondomac: You snap that picture, I'll show you some negative space.