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.83 7/8/10 Running of the Bulls by greg hxc
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greg hxc
Sweeney, now with more clothes
greg hxc
How do you say "Ole!" in sass-anese?
greg hxc
Oh you know. 50 people on bikes at a liquor store. Nothing to see here.
greg hxc
As the lights go down...
greg hxc
Salud, Professor
greg hxc
Costume fail
greg hxc
Watching out for bulls
greg hxc
Fancy shirts are like bull repellent
greg hxc
Matador slays el Vino
greg hxc
Ladiez on da Dock
greg hxc
You can't tell in the photo
greg hxc
Hey, uh, anyone need any rope? I brought extra.
greg hxc
greg hxc
The Bulls and Runners hang out together on breaks
greg hxc
Los Legos de la Muerte
greg hxc
greg hxc
Creeper bull is creepin
greg hxc
Spoiler Alert: they ALL fall down
greg hxc
On the docks
greg hxc
greg hxc
Sailing of the Bulls?
greg hxc
Coors, the beer of BULLS
greg hxc
How Joeball and Mon react to surprises
greg hxc
Chase's bedroom face
greg hxc
Not Impressed
greg hxc
Gorings are way hotter than you'd imagine.
greg hxc
Jeff "The Chest" Albertson
greg hxc
Sippin on some sizurrrrrp
greg hxc
Bust a move. No, not that one.
greg hxc
Monica checking out ladies on bar
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