gregfriedland: anselm the magnificent
gregfriedland: inside of the shade structure under construction
gregfriedland: camp trueprophet ponders enjoys its first shade
gregfriedland: camp trueprophet's shade structure is erected
gregfriedland: our artcar 'strangelove': a giant squid ingesting a science experiment
gregfriedland: strangelove up close
gregfriedland: the playa
gregfriedland: cool cat cars
gregfriedland: hitchin a ride
gregfriedland: loved this one
gregfriedland: arr, pirates
gregfriedland: pirates attempting to board strangelove
gregfriedland: fleeing cupcakes
gregfriedland: the pancake playhouse
gregfriedland: i have a movie of the people in here screaming for dear life
gregfriedland: the man
gregfriedland: a bamboo fort far off in the playa
gregfriedland: inside the bamboo fort
gregfriedland: scaling the fort
gregfriedland: "uncomfortable with certainty"
gregfriedland: atop the bamboo fort
gregfriedland: the waffle; built by 60 belgians from $250k worth of 2x4s