Gregers Reimann: IMG_3103 The big roof is impressive. Unfortunately, the rim has already gone greenish with mold
Gregers Reimann: IMG_3105 Entrance to the round library block.
Gregers Reimann: IMG_3109 Skylights give pleasant light level in the open space between the libraries
Gregers Reimann: IMG_3113 Entrance from the road to the round library square
Gregers Reimann: IMG_3114 The open library square. Beautiful and nicely lit
Gregers Reimann: IM993E~1
Gregers Reimann: IMG_3120 Islamic wall patterns reflected in gradually curving window surfaces
Gregers Reimann: IMG_3122 Free-hanging ventilation ducts with lighting fixtures inside the library space
Gregers Reimann: IMG_3125 Ground plan with future expansion plans dotted in. Th round Kompleks Canselor is the library
Gregers Reimann: IMG_3126 Garden under roof light. Library block in the back
Gregers Reimann: IMG_3127 Wide roof provides pleasant shading and does not obstruct wind movement
Gregers Reimann: IMG_3129 Normal building blocks
Gregers Reimann: IMG_3130 Surface temperatures measured at the roof and at the walkway at 3 pm were 32 degC and 29 degC
Gregers Reimann: IMB0DD~1
Gregers Reimann: IMG_3134 Short-cuts between blocks are through the lawn on stone-paths
Gregers Reimann: IMG_3135 normal facades, no special orientation to protect against direct sun, no shading elements apart from internal blinds
Gregers Reimann: IMG_3136 Big roof at tree top level
Gregers Reimann: IMG_3137 internal corridor in building blocks quite dark, almost to the level where electric lighting is needed in the day time.
Gregers Reimann: IMG_3138 floor plan of building blocks with laboratories and lecture rooms