Greg's Foto Shoebox: Panasonic GX1 with 14mm f/2.5 Lumix Lens
Greg's Foto Shoebox: Durians... breakfast of champions.
Greg's Foto Shoebox: The wonders of post. #snapseed #ipad #ios
Greg's Foto Shoebox: #instagram #durians #gx1
Greg's Foto Shoebox: Roasted meats
Greg's Foto Shoebox: Processed with Snapseed on iPad.
Greg's Foto Shoebox: Can't get enough of #bluronpurpose
Greg's Foto Shoebox: GX1 blah-ness
Greg's Foto Shoebox: XO fish beehoon
Greg's Foto Shoebox: The Ride Home.
Greg's Foto Shoebox: Taken with GX1 + 20mm pancake lens
Greg's Foto Shoebox: Tastes like cardboard.
Greg's Foto Shoebox: Nasi Padang Lunch
Greg's Foto Shoebox: Weekend breakfast (before I wolved it down!)
Greg's Foto Shoebox: Touch of glamour and a little Leica magic.
Greg's Foto Shoebox: Wide-eyed look.
Greg's Foto Shoebox: Cutest thing in the pet store.
Greg's Foto Shoebox: Blue steeling. #zoolander
Greg's Foto Shoebox: Model smirk.
Greg's Foto Shoebox: Fukuoka mikan (oranges).
Greg's Foto Shoebox: Ginger Flower (20mm)