Greg, Kim and Emily DuBois: clean those teeth
Greg, Kim and Emily DuBois: brush brush brush
Greg, Kim and Emily DuBois: Had a bottle with Grandma
Greg, Kim and Emily DuBois: reading with Mummy
Greg, Kim and Emily DuBois: Ava had lessons right after me!
Greg, Kim and Emily DuBois: swimming lessons with Daddy
Greg, Kim and Emily DuBois: waiting for the lessons to start
Greg, Kim and Emily DuBois: i stayed up drinking all night with Grandma and Grandpa
Greg, Kim and Emily DuBois: hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa
Greg, Kim and Emily DuBois: Playing with my new baby
Greg, Kim and Emily DuBois: reading my own bedtime stories
Greg, Kim and Emily DuBois: I dressed myself!
Greg, Kim and Emily DuBois: this is much better than where Mummy put it
Greg, Kim and Emily DuBois: repositioning the furniture
Greg, Kim and Emily DuBois: Box full of stuffed animals
Greg, Kim and Emily DuBois: Grouse Mountain - Me and Mummy
Greg, Kim and Emily DuBois: Ready for a sleigh ride?