桂格黃: 夜遊聖米歇爾山 Walked to Mont-Saint-Michel at night
桂格黃: Let me feel warm
桂格黃: Selfie
桂格黃: 擁抱 Hug
桂格黃: 札幌大通公園
桂格黃: Reflection in the windows
桂格黃: 獅王爭霸
桂格黃: 這裡有好多好多的獨角仙
桂格黃: Mont-Saint-Michel at night - B/W version
桂格黃: Untitled
桂格黃: Dream lake
桂格黃: Ted is playing with his mother's crutch
桂格黃: Housework
桂格黃: 奔向前方 Run forward
桂格黃: 追鴿子
桂格黃: 福到財到 Chinese New Year
桂格黃: 要幸福喔 / To be happiness
桂格黃: 珍珠之光維梅爾 / Vermeer Exhibition
桂格黃: 凝視 / Watching together
桂格黃: 城市即景#1
桂格黃: 維也納咖啡, Vienna coffee is my favor
桂格黃: 破壞與新生
桂格黃: 9:44 p.m.
桂格黃: Lovely boy
桂格黃: Tree
桂格黃: Untilted BW15007
桂格黃: 海口港