Grefer: DSC_7229_1200
Grefer: DSC_7174_1200
Grefer: DSC_7149_1200
Grefer: DSC_7138_1200
Grefer: DSC_7162_1200
Grefer: DSC_7262_1200
Grefer: DSC_1495_1100
Grefer: The poppy at sunset
Grefer: DSC_7224_900
Grefer: Dragonflies at sunset
Grefer: River Bug in Szumin (Poland)
Grefer: Red-backed shrike (female)
Grefer: White heron and American mink
Grefer: Bee and fly
Grefer: Where the river Biebrza meets river Narew
Grefer: Crane Family
Grefer: Early dawn on the river Vistula/Wisła
Grefer: Corn Bunting / Potrzeszcz (Emberiza calandra)
Grefer: Horses in the fog
Grefer: willows at dawn/ wierzby o świcie
Grefer: Sunrise with an angler/ Wschód słońca z wędkarzem
Grefer: Vistula River/ rzeka Wisła
Grefer: Long-horned Grasshopper on Buddleia davidii / Pasikonik zielony na budlei dawida
Grefer: Wasp on raspberry flower / Osa na malinowym kwiecie
Grefer: The Watchman / Stróż
Grefer: Greeting / Przywitanie
Grefer: White Storks / Bociany białe
Grefer: Barn Swallow (juv.)/ Jaskółka dymówka/ Hirundo rustica
Grefer: Rudbeckia fulgida flower at sunset/ Kwiat o zachodzie słońca
Grefer: Loner / Samotnik