Austin and David Van Zante: Lambretta Engine Case Vapor Blasting
Austin and David Van Zante: sx200 case before and after vapor blasting
Austin and David Van Zante: SX200 Vapor Blasting
Austin and David Van Zante: Lambretta Chain Cover Vapor Blasting
Austin and David Van Zante: Lambretta TV175 engine case, chain cover, and mag flange vapor blasting #2
Austin and David Van Zante: Lambretta TV175 engine case, chain cover, and mag flange vapor blasting
Austin and David Van Zante: Lambretta TV175 Engine Case (Before Vapor Blasting)
Austin and David Van Zante: Lambretta TV175 Engine Case (After Vapor Blasting)
Austin and David Van Zante: Lambretta LI Case Vapor Blasting
Austin and David Van Zante: LI150 Lambretta Vapor Blasting #1
Austin and David Van Zante: Lambretta LI125 Vapor Blasting #1
Austin and David Van Zante: Lambretta LI125 Vapor Blasting #2
Austin and David Van Zante: Lambretta TV Engine Case Vapor Blasting
Austin and David Van Zante: (Vapor Blasted) Lambretta chain case cover
Austin and David Van Zante: (Before) Lambretta chain case cover