green.thumbs: this lady!!
green.thumbs: word
green.thumbs: I STILL SEE YOU!!
green.thumbs: he also had a bluetooth thingy on his ear, and something like "sparky" on his windshield in a bad font
green.thumbs: who are you!?
green.thumbs: what makes people do stupid stuff to their vehicles?
green.thumbs: didn't even try
green.thumbs: who stuck out like a sore thumb?
green.thumbs: CREEPY!!!!!!!
green.thumbs: *shudders* in fear of super tall clown like people
green.thumbs: renaissance art work :/
green.thumbs: dichotomy
green.thumbs: p.e.t.a. beware!
green.thumbs: Renaissance buddy system
green.thumbs: typo
green.thumbs: yow-ser