hey SP: a colorful shower
hey SP: and again from the inside of a plane
hey SP: the most peculiar place i have ever found a pearl
hey SP: we took off in a snowstorm and as we flew the water crawled across the plane horizontally
hey SP: christmastime bokeh
hey SP: flowers from jonas
hey SP: the panoramic view of a night spent hiding behind glass
hey SP: the magic of condensation on the window of a moving car
hey SP: i have been wishing for this
hey SP: few things in life are as beautiful as wet pavement at night near a shopping center
hey SP: my windshield is dark and dirty and
hey SP: i am waiting at the front gate and it is starting to rain now
hey SP: like the surface of an untouched place
hey SP: imagine the most perfect moment
hey SP: gooood morning
hey SP: rain
hey SP: I see this every morning
hey SP: crime of love
hey SP: the most refreshing thing in the entire world right now
hey SP: just waiting here for my ride home
hey SP: the view from the inside of a quiet bedroom
hey SP: once again
hey SP: cirrus number two