greensong: My plane ticket with accompanying snake.
greensong: Ahhh, Snakes!
greensong: Dad works on a number puzzle to pass the time
greensong: Snake crawling down the window
greensong: In case of Snakes...
greensong: Ahhhh, a snake on the plane!
greensong: Snake!
greensong: 2006-07-12 01-34-35_0077
greensong: Happy Birthday Benny!
greensong: Sorry we can't stay the whole day...
greensong: ...but we're going to Guildford!
greensong: Dad points to his old residence
greensong: Map of the university
greensong: "I used to live here, you know."
greensong: Kitchen of his old building
greensong: One of the rooms, with the student who lives there
greensong: Hallway of his old residence
greensong: Why do they put the beans over the fries?
greensong: Field in the middle of campus.
greensong: My dad's old professor
greensong: Which way do we go?
greensong: We sit in on a lecture.
greensong: Dad on the stairs
greensong: Where dad learned...stuff!
greensong: Engineering lab
greensong: I must make something explode.
greensong: The "Dumpy Bin"
greensong: Dad lived here!
greensong: A closer look...
greensong: Inside