Greensleeves.94: NR68 and 5 on 4PW4
Greensleeves.94: NR69 and 79 on 6BA6
Greensleeves.94: The Great Western White Snake
Greensleeves.94: NR58 and 106 with 6WP2
Greensleeves.94: Drizzly steel
Greensleeves.94: SCT008, 003 5PM9
Greensleeves.94: Front on Bulldog
Greensleeves.94: An A in the lead
Greensleeves.94: G515, X31, T395 9071
Greensleeves.94: R761 about to move to the roundhouse for turning
Greensleeves.94: S313 8094
Greensleeves.94: X37 and A71
Greensleeves.94: A71 about to head to the fuel point
Greensleeves.94: R761, S313 8094 10-6-13 (2)
Greensleeves.94: Smoking it up Huntly Bank
Greensleeves.94: PN Logo on G542
Greensleeves.94: A Comeng arriving at West Richmond
Greensleeves.94: 890M and 893M
Greensleeves.94: Xtrapolis Motors 164M and 64M on a Glen Waverley service
Greensleeves.94: Hitachi's 287M and 274M
Greensleeves.94: Y161 shunts a H set with PH van into platform 3B
Greensleeves.94: P11 on the flyover
Greensleeves.94: Into the howling dark