Greensleeves.94: A wet 8321- 7002, 7007, 7018
Greensleeves.94: 7009 and 7006 on 8320 up Seymour pass
Greensleeves.94: 8317 blocks the end of 4MC1
Greensleeves.94: 8317 and 4MC1
Greensleeves.94: N456 on 8319 down Shepparton pass
Greensleeves.94: N475 on 8322 up Shepparton pass
Greensleeves.94: Twin X's on the APEX
Greensleeves.94: Off and away
Greensleeves.94: The final train for the afternoon, G535, S312 and EL54 lead El Zorro's 4MC7
Greensleeves.94: GL110, 101 4MC1, VL02
Greensleeves.94: Racetrack- 4MC1 and 8317
Greensleeves.94: Just a bit weatherbeaten
Greensleeves.94: NR66, 63 3AB6
Greensleeves.94: Two vanilla's
Greensleeves.94: Creeping into the loop to cross 3BM2
Greensleeves.94: NR69, G536, NR80 4MC2
Greensleeves.94: A different combo on MC2- NR69, G536 and NR80 combine on 4MC2
Greensleeves.94: The final leg
Greensleeves.94: NR's 98 and 8 lead 3BM2
Greensleeves.94: Silent Sentinel II
Greensleeves.94: 58RM continues watching as G515, S313 and T364 pass by on 9072
Greensleeves.94: Silent Sentinel I
Greensleeves.94: 58RM watches its contemporary counterpart shunting
Greensleeves.94: Doodlebug
Greensleeves.94: Doodlebug again!
Greensleeves.94: 7001, 7022 8326
Greensleeves.94: GL101, 105 7MC1
Greensleeves.94: GL101, 105 7MC1