Greenpeace USA 2019: Activists Protest Rigs Departure for the Arctic
Greenpeace USA 2019: Tug Pulls Pioneer Out Of Seattle
Greenpeace USA 2019: Blockade Continues In Seattle
Greenpeace USA 2019: Helicopter Watches Protesters
Greenpeace USA 2019: Tugs Pull Pioneer As Activists Stand in The Way
Greenpeace USA 2019: Seattle City Councilman Detained in Protest
Greenpeace USA 2019: Activists Dwarfed By Drilling Rig
Greenpeace USA 2019: Polar Pioneer Blockade In Seattle
Greenpeace USA 2019: Activists Stand In The Way of Drill Rig
Greenpeace USA 2019: Standing In The Way Of Arctic Drilling
Greenpeace USA 2019: Pulling Toward The Activists
Greenpeace USA 2019: Tugs Move Pioneer Toward Activists
Greenpeace USA 2019: Kayactivist and Coast Guard
Greenpeace USA 2019: City Councilman Mike O'Brien Detained in Pioneer Blockade
Greenpeace USA 2019: Tribal Activists Block Drilling Rig
Greenpeace USA 2019: Raging Grannies Block Pioneer
Greenpeace USA 2019: Raging Grannies In The Way
Greenpeace USA 2019: Tribal Message for Shell
Greenpeace USA 2019: Tribal Canoe in Pioneer Blockade
Greenpeace USA 2019: Kayaks Stacking Up In Seattle
Greenpeace USA 2019: Shell No Banner In Seattle
Greenpeace USA 2019: Deploying the Shell No Banner
Greenpeace USA 2019: Kayak Protester Detained
Greenpeace USA 2019: Kayactivist Detained In Seattle
Greenpeace USA 2019: Kayactivist Draw The Line
Greenpeace USA 2019: Pioneer Standoff in Seattle
Greenpeace USA 2019: Pioneer Blockade in Seattle
Greenpeace USA 2019: Shell No Banner Blocking The Pioneer Path
Greenpeace USA 2019: Shell No To Arctic Drilling
Greenpeace USA 2019: Police Boat With Activists