Greenpeace USA 2019: Shell Grand Stand Banner Message
Greenpeace USA 2019: Shell Message For Jazz Fest
Greenpeace USA 2019: Superdome with Shell Message
Greenpeace USA 2019: Shell Grand Standing in New Orleans
Greenpeace USA 2019: Shell Message For Grand Stand
Greenpeace USA 2019: Message for Jazz Fest 2014
Greenpeace USA 2019: Banner Message Over New Orleans
Greenpeace USA 2019: Shell Fans In The Crowd In New Orleans
Greenpeace USA 2019: Not A Shell Fan At Jazz Fest
Greenpeace USA 2019: Crowds at Jazz Fest Under Shell Logo
Greenpeace USA 2019: Jazz Fest 2014 and Shell
Greenpeace USA 2019: Looking Beyond The Logo
Greenpeace USA 2019: Banners at Jazz Fest 2014
Greenpeace USA 2019: Shell Keeps Fans Cool at Jazz Fest
Greenpeace USA 2019: Posing WIth The Shell Arctic Logo