Greenpeace USA 2019: Cleaner is Cheaper Ohio
Greenpeace USA 2019: Clean up Cincinnati
Greenpeace USA 2019: Soaring over the City
Greenpeace USA 2019: Dump Duke Energy
Greenpeace USA 2019: Clean Energy Cincinnati
Greenpeace USA 2019: Airship Message
Greenpeace USA 2019: Airship over the Ohio
Greenpeace USA 2019: Clean up Cincinnati Air
Greenpeace USA 2019: Message For Duke Energy
Greenpeace USA 2019: Cleaner Is Cheaper Message
Greenpeace USA 2019: Flying the Message
Greenpeace USA 2019: Ground Message For Duke Energy
Greenpeace USA 2019: Preparing for Airship Liftoff
Greenpeace USA 2019: Holding The Greenpeace Airship
Greenpeace USA 2019: High Over Cincinnati
Greenpeace USA 2019: Preparing For Ohio Flight
Greenpeace USA 2019: Clean Energy Message Over Cincinnati
Greenpeace USA 2019: Duke Message On The Ohio River
Greenpeace USA 2019: A Message For Duke In Cincinnati
Greenpeace USA 2019: Cleaner Greener Energy In Cincinnati
Greenpeace USA 2019: Message for Cincinnati Voters
Greenpeace USA 2019: Inflating A Message for Duke Energy
Greenpeace USA 2019: From The Inside Out
Greenpeace USA 2019: Checking The Bates Airship Envelope
Greenpeace USA 2019: Preparing For Liftoff
Greenpeace USA 2019: Holding The Airship Steady After Flight