Greenpeace USA 2019: Oil Platform
Greenpeace USA 2019: Oil Platform Closeup
Greenpeace USA 2019: Beach Tar Cleanup Crew
Greenpeace USA 2019: Oil Sheen in the Gulf
Greenpeace USA 2019: Gulf Oil Sheen
Greenpeace USA 2019: Oil Plume in the Gulf
Greenpeace USA 2019: Oil in Marshes
Greenpeace USA 2019: Containment Boom
Greenpeace USA 2019: Trapping Oil Again
Greenpeace USA 2019: Dolphins Breaching
Greenpeace USA 2019: Oil in the Marshes
Greenpeace USA 2019: Oil Sampling
Greenpeace USA 2019: Dead Crab in Oil
Greenpeace USA 2019: Oil in the Marsh Grass
Greenpeace USA 2019: Marsh Grass Oil
Greenpeace USA 2019: Oil On Mississippi Island
Greenpeace USA 2019: Issac Brings In More Oil
Greenpeace USA 2019: Oil Samples After Hurricane In Mississippi
Greenpeace USA 2019: More Oil On Mississippi Island in 2012
Greenpeace USA 2019: Oil Fouled Island Following 2012 Hurricane in Gulf
Greenpeace USA 2019: Gulf Oil Surfaces on Island in 2012
Greenpeace USA 2019: Wildlife At Risk From Oil After Hurricane
Greenpeace USA 2019: More Oil For Wildlife after Hurricane
Greenpeace USA 2019: Oil Eleven Months Later
Greenpeace USA 2019: Clean Up Continues in March of 2011
Greenpeace USA 2019: Oil Hugs The Coast in March of 2011
Greenpeace USA 2019: Oil Work Continues in 2011
Greenpeace USA 2019: New Oil In The Gulf?