ecoDoug: grandma, grandpa & their friends from edmonton
ecoDoug: grandpa at diamond head
ecoDoug: On our way
ecoDoug: my popsickle
ecoDoug: Michelina Grace LaCoppola Mayer
ecoDoug: My Grandparents
ecoDoug: mi hermano
ecoDoug: right there
ecoDoug: almost three years ago
ecoDoug: Grandma, Grandpa, Ian, & me
ecoDoug: too too too fast
ecoDoug: his new nikon
ecoDoug: all grown up
ecoDoug: papa plays peekaboo
ecoDoug: little rebel
ecoDoug: Mama-Llama
ecoDoug: everyone's favourite
ecoDoug: all of us
ecoDoug: Ian standing in front of a strange glowing eyesore
ecoDoug: longboarding
ecoDoug: he's not from california
ecoDoug: James
ecoDoug: guitar (9/52)
ecoDoug: picker, grinner
ecoDoug: bros being bros (16/52)
ecoDoug: james hpstr 1
ecoDoug: james hpstr 2
ecoDoug: james hpstr 3
ecoDoug: james hpstr 4
ecoDoug: james hpstr 5