ecoDoug: brrr
ecoDoug: this one
ecoDoug: color around the corner
ecoDoug: Rooney Mountain Triptych
ecoDoug: spring is a springin'
ecoDoug: camp
ecoDoug: lazy
ecoDoug: free
ecoDoug: slate
ecoDoug: trail 'sploring
ecoDoug: Pilar gets everyone on the dance floor
ecoDoug: Dave's still got the moves
ecoDoug: cows dig bluegrass... and pretty much any other kind of grass
ecoDoug: power wagon
ecoDoug: P1030742.jpg
ecoDoug: P1030743.jpg
ecoDoug: the pavillion
ecoDoug: autumn on Rooney
ecoDoug: up on Rooney top
ecoDoug: mud is in season on Rooney Mountain
ecoDoug: cows stay out
ecoDoug: foggy rooney
ecoDoug: Macy of the mist
ecoDoug: fallen
ecoDoug: lone
ecoDoug: de-labyrinthing
ecoDoug: autumnal gravel
ecoDoug: lumber rd
ecoDoug: beebe hill