ecoDoug: magnolia sunset
ecoDoug: Pamplemousse, ii
ecoDoug: spigot
ecoDoug: classico ii
ecoDoug: barry park
ecoDoug: view from Cascade Mtn.
ecoDoug: homework awaits
ecoDoug: Eva y papa
ecoDoug: Goodnow Fire Tower
ecoDoug: Chuck
ecoDoug: Rich Lake
ecoDoug: Paul
ecoDoug: Entombment
ecoDoug: Judgement, duotone
ecoDoug: ivy
ecoDoug: my popsickle
ecoDoug: out there...
ecoDoug: Michelina Grace LaCoppola Mayer
ecoDoug: noms
ecoDoug: woman peeling cassava
ecoDoug: cassava baker
ecoDoug: not too long ago...
ecoDoug: dimanche
ecoDoug: it took some crazy contortions to get this shot, and it's film, so i have an irrational attachment to it
ecoDoug: greetings
ecoDoug: a rare gem
ecoDoug: Donatello "Donny" Mayer
ecoDoug: all grown up
ecoDoug: ma femme favorite
ecoDoug: Pily - Doug