Greenpeace Switzerland: Arival at mountain hut
Greenpeace Switzerland: preparing tea at mountain hut at bottom of Mt. Fuji
Greenpeace Switzerland: mountain hut at Mt. Fuji
Greenpeace Switzerland: 3am - getting ready for the climb
Greenpeace Switzerland: climb of Mt. Fuji
Greenpeace Switzerland: winter climb of Mt. Fuji at early morning
Greenpeace Switzerland: sunrise at Mt. Fuji
Greenpeace Switzerland: canadian climber on Mt. Fuji
Greenpeace Switzerland: strong wind at 9th station on Mt. Fuji
Greenpeace Switzerland: climb of Mt. Fuji to deliver Messages of support and hope for people of Fukushima
Greenpeace Switzerland: passing a gate on Mt. Fuji
Greenpeace Switzerland: Greenpeace climber reach to of Mt. Fuji
Greenpeace Switzerland: climbing Mt. Fuji
Greenpeace Switzerland: 5 Greenpeace climbers on their way down
Greenpeace Switzerland: strong wind on Mt. Fuji
Greenpeace Switzerland: climbing down Mt. Fuji
Greenpeace Switzerland: P1040975.jpg
Greenpeace Switzerland: Greenpeace climbers at the beginning of the winter trail to Mt. Fuji