Green Party of Canada: With @josephboutilier the amazing unicycler for #climateaction. Canadians are in front of Mus'm Nat'l History.
Green Party of Canada: Found the scientists at the #PeoplesClimate march! Check out this awesome chalk board.
Green Party of Canada: Waiting to start march with Canadians from coast to coast.
Green Party of Canada: With @Tzeporah waiting for march to start and Ottawa friend @dianebeckett.
Green Party of Canada: With constituent @kelseymech! The march is getting organized and the energy is wonderful! #PCM #cdnpoli #saltspring
Green Party of Canada: We found @ZoeCaron! We have missed her since she's been in Oslo! @WWFCanada #GPC #cdnpoli #PCM Now heading to GPUS.
Green Party of Canada: Assembly points before #PCM - Scientists will march with this chalkboard.
Green Party of Canada: With @DrJillStein leader of Green Party US! Large Green contingent
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Green Party of Canada: Interview with
Green Party of Canada: Interview with
Green Party of Canada: Interview with
Green Party of Canada: Messenger of Peace Jane Goodall @JaneGoodallInst says she is for #Climate2014 action at the #PeoplesCIimate March!
Green Party of Canada: Two of the three main Caroline's of @TheGreenParty earlier today on the #climatemarch
Green Party of Canada: Before climate march staging area - Elizabeth meeting and greeting (1)
Green Party of Canada: Before climate march staging area - Elizabeth meeting and greeting (2)
Green Party of Canada: Before climate march staging area - Elizabeth meeting and greeting (3)
Green Party of Canada: Before climate march staging area - Elizabeth meeting and greeting (4)
Green Party of Canada: @bigongreen moms and daughters marching with @ElizabethMay @Toronto350 at #PeopleClimateMarch
Green Party of Canada: Hey look, it's the Member for Saanich-Gulf Islands with Chris Tindal
Green Party of Canada: Heading down 6th Ave. The woman in the protect our coast shirt is @ElizabethMay.
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