Green Party of Canada:
Elizabeth May speaking to students at University of Saskatchewan
Green Party of Canada:
Elizabeth May speaking to students at University of Saskatchewan
Green Party of Canada:
Elizabeth May speaking to students at University of Saskatchewan
Green Party of Canada:
Green Party bike signs
Green Party of Canada:
Elizabeth May giving a speech to the citizens of Saskatchewan at Frances Morrison Library, Saskatoon
Green Party of Canada:
Elizabeth May with Green Party of Saskatchewan Candidates
Green Party of Canada:
Elizabeth May with Green Party of Saskatchewan Candidates
Green Party of Canada:
Green Party of Manitoba sign
Green Party of Canada:
Supporter signing the petition to allow the leader of the Manitoba Greens in the televised debates
Green Party of Canada:
James Beddome, Leader of the Green Party of Manitoba speaking with CBC News
Green Party of Canada:
James Beddome, Leader of the Green Party of Manitoba
Green Party of Canada:
Elizabeth May speaking to Green Party of Manitoba supporters at UofW
Green Party of Canada:
Elizabeth May speaking to Green Party of Manitoba supporters at University of Winnipeg
Green Party of Canada:
Elizabeth May speaking to a full room at University of Winnipeg
Green Party of Canada:
Elizabeth May speaking to a full room at University of Winnipeg
Green Party of Canada:
Elizabeth May discussing farm subsidies with Green Party of Manitoba supporters
Green Party of Canada:
Elizabeth May speaking to Green Party of Manitoba supporters at UofW
Green Party of Canada:
Elizabeth May after her speech
Green Party of Canada:
Elizabeth May with James Beddome, leader of the Manitoba Green Party
Green Party of Canada:
Elizabeth May speaking with the audience
Green Party of Canada:
Elizabeth May with Green Party of Manitoba candidates
Green Party of Canada:
Elizabeth May speaking with the audience after her speech
Green Party of Canada:
Green Party of Ontario/Canada fighting with citizens and farmers to fight the mega quarry and protect our water and farmland
Green Party of Canada:
GPO Campaign Launch in Bolton, Ontario
Green Party of Canada:
GPO Campaign Launch in Bolton, Ontario