greeniezona: weapons station
greeniezona: camp necklace station
greeniezona: gift bags
greeniezona: gift bag contents
greeniezona: make a camp necklace
greeniezona: completed necklace
greeniezona: Solomon's necklace
greeniezona: blue food
greeniezona: raise a wall of (soapy) water
greeniezona: building a house for a god
greeniezona: announcement board
greeniezona: one clue to go!
greeniezona: the every party family shot
greeniezona: plate full of blue
greeniezona: happy kid
greeniezona: the fake blow out photo
greeniezona: more blowing out
greeniezona: not ready for my closeup
greeniezona: blue food makes blue tongues
greeniezona: some tongues more blue than others
greeniezona: photobombing with blue tongues
greeniezona: not blue, just dental work
greeniezona: present time
greeniezona: opening presents
greeniezona: static with a balloon
greeniezona: Jefferson demonstrates static electricity
greeniezona: Jefferson demonstrates static electricity
greeniezona: nerving up for the CHAIN OF PAIN
greeniezona: end of party