Greenfleet Australia:
Group starts planting
Greenfleet Australia:
Planting a tree
Greenfleet Australia:
Planting a tree
Greenfleet Australia:
Volunteers enjoyed the opportunity to make a difference
Greenfleet Australia:
Planting a tree
Greenfleet Australia:
Planting a tree
Greenfleet Australia:
Austral indigo
Greenfleet Australia:
Very friendly emu
Greenfleet Australia:
Planting a tree
Greenfleet Australia:
Getting some trees into the ground
Greenfleet Australia:
Greenfleet staff and Europcar volunteers
Greenfleet Australia:
Preparing the seedlings
Greenfleet Australia:
Planting a tree
Greenfleet Australia:
Getting some trees into the ground
Greenfleet Australia:
Thank-you to Europcar staff volunteers!
Greenfleet Australia:
Black Wattle leaves
Greenfleet Australia:
Supporter Planting Day @ Mt Rothwell, Aug 2010
Greenfleet Australia:
Mt Rothwell 4 years after it was seeded
Greenfleet Australia:
Black Wattle in seed at Mt Rothwell, Dec 2011
Greenfleet Australia:
Hedge Wattle in seed at Mt Rothwell, Dec 2011
Greenfleet Australia:
Black Wallaby hiding in bush at Mt Rothwell, Dec 09
Greenfleet Australia:
Greenfleet forester in the Greenfleet forest at Mt Rothwell, Feb 2011