Green-Ghost: The Widow Blakely
Green-Ghost: The Widow Blakely
Green-Ghost: Adolph Englemann
Green-Ghost: Confederate Artilary
Green-Ghost: Confederate Cannon
Green-Ghost: Cogswell's Battery, Light Artilary
Green-Ghost: Grants Canal 4 of 4
Green-Ghost: Grants Canal 3 of 4
Green-Ghost: Grants Canal 1 of 4
Green-Ghost: Grants Canal 2 of 4
Green-Ghost: Vicksburg Battlefield Museum
Green-Ghost: One of a Handfull of Battles
Green-Ghost: Battle of Vicksburg Model
Green-Ghost: Union Onslaught
Green-Ghost: Confederate Fortifications
Green-Ghost: Civil War Gun Boats
Green-Ghost: National Park Main Center