TwoScottsAZ: Heading to the "Walk Now For Autism" Walk
TwoScottsAZ: The Venue for the 2007 "Walk Now For Autism" Walk in Tempe
TwoScottsAZ: F.Scott's company filmed the Autism Walk
TwoScottsAZ: Vinnie Films the Walkers
TwoScottsAZ: Vinnie and F.Scott at the Walk
TwoScottsAZ: Jake LOVES Star Wars!
TwoScottsAZ: Jake enjoying the Bouncy Obstacle Course
TwoScottsAZ: Our Walkers
TwoScottsAZ: F.Scott at the Walk
TwoScottsAZ: At the start of the 2007 "Walk Now For Autism" Walk
TwoScottsAZ: Jake made it the whole way! Jake is the son of our friends (and F.Scott's boss) Heidi and Ken.
TwoScottsAZ: The Autism Walk passed the new Light Rail line in Tempe
TwoScottsAZ: The Autism Walk passed the new Light Rail line in Tempe
TwoScottsAZ: F.Scott, Jake and Me at the Walk
TwoScottsAZ: F.Scott and Jake at the Walk
TwoScottsAZ: IMG_3564
TwoScottsAZ: IMG_3570
TwoScottsAZ: F.Scott and Jake Walking
TwoScottsAZ: More Walkers
TwoScottsAZ: Gonzo Walked Too!
TwoScottsAZ: Bridge detail and airplane near the end of the Walk
TwoScottsAZ: Heading Home After the Walk