Great Mountain Forest: Coverts Cooperators examine an ax handle
Great Mountain Forest: Forester Jody Bronson makes an ax handle of hop hornbeam
Great Mountain Forest: Fecon mower for controlling invasives
Great Mountain Forest: Forester Larry Roussea teaches Audra Leach to use a prism for timber cruising
Great Mountain Forest: Forester Star Childs discusses tractor mounted winches
Great Mountain Forest: Forester Tom Worthley discusses personal protective equipment
Great Mountain Forest: Burning invasives (2)
Great Mountain Forest: Extinguishing the flames
Great Mountain Forest: Cooperators by the fire
Great Mountain Forest: Cooperators learn to use the portable sawmill
Great Mountain Forest: Coverts Cooperator Sarah Fournier learns to use a portable sawmill
Great Mountain Forest: Coverts Cooperators 2011
Great Mountain Forest: Coverts Cooperators learn about controlling invasives
Great Mountain Forest: Forester Jody Bronson grades the lumber
Great Mountain Forest: Forester Tom Worthley demonstrates burning invasives with a torch
Great Mountain Forest: Group discussion
Great Mountain Forest: Jill Zamparo, Judy Wilson, Star Childs
Great Mountain Forest: Jody Bronson, Judy Wilson, Larry Rousseau
Great Mountain Forest: More finished lumber
Great Mountain Forest: Portable sawmill
Great Mountain Forest: Removing the finished lumber from the mill
Great Mountain Forest: Sam Yankee Woodlot