Great Han: 乌海
Great Han: desert & snow
Great Han: the lights through the clouds
Great Han: 乌兰布和 wulanbuhe desert
Great Han: 英仙座流星雨
Great Han: 沙漠绿洲
Great Han: 山城沙海
Great Han: Bird of sand🐦
Great Han: 乌兰布和
Great Han: 乌兰布和
Great Han: DP2M sand
Great Han: 沙海
Great Han: 雪后 乌海湖 after snow
Great Han: 牧归
Great Han: desert river and city
Great Han: 沙漠影人 desert
Great Han: 乌兰布和沙漠
Great Han: 乌海湖
Great Han: 沙中湖
Great Han: 浑善达克 恩格尔河
Great Han: 沙地绿洲
Great Han: River in the sand
Great Han: 浑善达克沙地
Great Han: 沙漠中的公路 the road in desert
Great Han: D800 + 14-24
Great Han: 乌兰布和
Great Han: DSC_7055
Great Han: DSC_7054
Great Han: DSC_7018