Greatest Paka Photography:
A Blanket of Geese
Greatest Paka Photography:
"Pacific Flyway" - The Great Annual Migration
Greatest Paka Photography:
Twilight Silhouette
Greatest Paka Photography:
Birds That Fill The Sky: The Great Annual Migration
Greatest Paka Photography:
A Cloud of Blackbirds
Greatest Paka Photography:
Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus)
Greatest Paka Photography:
Reflection in a Marsh #2
Greatest Paka Photography:
Reflection in a Marsh
Greatest Paka Photography:
Viewing Stand in a Waterfowl Refuge
Greatest Paka Photography:
Setting Sun
Greatest Paka Photography:
Greatest Paka Photography:
Suns Glow Reflected on a Wetland
Greatest Paka Photography:
Bird Refuge
Greatest Paka Photography:
The Wetlands of Central California
Greatest Paka Photography:
Capturing Natures Beauty with an IPhone
Greatest Paka Photography:
Tree on a Marsh Wetland
Greatest Paka Photography:
Watercolor: Reflection of a Tree in Water
Greatest Paka Photography:
Greatest Paka Photography:
Marsh in The Mist
Greatest Paka Photography:
Birds in Flight: The Great Winter Migration
Greatest Paka Photography:
Birds on a Road: A Gaggle of Geese
Greatest Paka Photography:
California Central Valley Marshlands
Greatest Paka Photography:
Cranes on a Wetland
Greatest Paka Photography:
Geese on the Road
Greatest Paka Photography:
Bird Blockade