Greatest Paka Photography: Wintering Ross' Geese
Greatest Paka Photography: Sunset On The Wetlands
Greatest Paka Photography: Sunset In The Central Valley
Greatest Paka Photography: Wetlands of Central California
Greatest Paka Photography: Wildlife Watching At Twilight
Greatest Paka Photography: Blue Crescent Moon
Greatest Paka Photography: Winged Migrants
Greatest Paka Photography: The Great Winter Migration
Greatest Paka Photography: Wetland Reflection
Greatest Paka Photography: California Bulrush
Greatest Paka Photography: Winter Migration
Greatest Paka Photography: Sandhill Cranes at Merced NWR
Greatest Paka Photography: Black-necked Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus)
Greatest Paka Photography: Long-billed Dowitcher (Limnodromus scolopaceus)
Greatest Paka Photography: A Sedge of Sandhill Cranes
Greatest Paka Photography: Twilight On The Wetlands
Greatest Paka Photography: Reflections On a Marsh @ Twilight
Greatest Paka Photography: Trees On A Marsh
Greatest Paka Photography: White-faced Ibis (Plegadis chihi)
Greatest Paka Photography: Scattering - Colors of The Sunset
Greatest Paka Photography: The Setting Sun
Greatest Paka Photography: The Majestic Great Blue Heron
Greatest Paka Photography: Greater White-fronted Geese (Anser albifrons)
Greatest Paka Photography: Blackbirds In The Bulrushes
Greatest Paka Photography: California Wetlands, #2
Greatest Paka Photography: Walking Through The Wetlands
Greatest Paka Photography: Sunset on a Wetland
Greatest Paka Photography: "Stick in The Mud"