Greatest Paka Photography:
Forgotten Cemetery
Greatest Paka Photography:
Purissima: A Town Forgotten
Greatest Paka Photography:
The Marshes of Purissima
Greatest Paka Photography:
Beauty in a Lost Graveyard
Greatest Paka Photography:
Rural Scene
Greatest Paka Photography:
Graveyard at Purissima: A Forgotten Place
Greatest Paka Photography:
Dust to Dust
Greatest Paka Photography:
Fog Bank Moving In
Greatest Paka Photography:
Red Hoops Around a Wooden Water Tank
Greatest Paka Photography:
Coastal Fog on a Meadow
Greatest Paka Photography:
Beard Lichen (Usnea hirta)
Greatest Paka Photography:
Dust in the Wind
Greatest Paka Photography:
Nellie Merrill, "Gone But Not Forgotten"
Greatest Paka Photography:
Here Lie The Frey's
Greatest Paka Photography:
'Ashes to Ashes'
Greatest Paka Photography:
Lost In Time
Greatest Paka Photography:
Rusty Towers
Greatest Paka Photography:
Lost in Time
Greatest Paka Photography:
A Place That Time Forgot
Greatest Paka Photography:
Pacific False Bindweed (Calystegia purpurata)
Greatest Paka Photography:
"Bill" - Final Rest
Greatest Paka Photography:
RIP Beloved
Greatest Paka Photography:
"6ft Under"
Greatest Paka Photography:
Among The Departed At An Old Cemetery
Greatest Paka Photography:
RIP Lothlorien ('The Dreamflower')